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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Kindness, for_children: n"
The Joy in Loving Stirring collection of meditations, prayers and reflections.
Prescriptions for Living A smorgasbord of stories, anecdotes, and short parables.
Different Seasons A book to savor on the Sabbath when you have the leisure to slowly ponder the spiritual wallop of small virtues.
The Healing Power of Kindness The radical impact this virtue can have when practiced with zeal and perseverance.
Awakening the Buddhist Heart Shows us how to activate a spiritual intelligence that informs and animates all our relationships.
The Diamond Cutter Contains wise advice on an ethical and prosperous way of being in the workaday world.
The Friendship Pack Experiment with Native Amercian approaches to this relationship.
Practical Kabbalah Reveals the relevance of Kabbalistic teachings to the soul's journey in the world.
Say Please, Say Thank You Opens up a wide repertoire of practices that can serve as an antidote to the incivility of our times.
Civility Posits civility as a habit of the heart that engenders awe in the presence of our fellow humans.